In addition to simply opposing Free Will, Islam publicly opposes and seeks to suppress ‘Free Will Run Riot’ in the West.
Frankly, many Westerners also feel strong misgivings about the licentious behaviour which has become increasingly the norm in our society. Public calls for behaviour that once was anathema to be made permissible and almost compulsory, turn the stomach of those who still adhere to age-old cultural values of our parents. The idea of teaching Sexuality in school to infants and then enabling ten year old girls to obtain abortions without parental knowledge or consent is abhorrent, although desireable in the view of the United Nations.
In the sense that Western Society has faults and shortcomings, it is possible to see the point in Islamist taunts but this brings us back to the real function of Free Will, or more correctly, individual Agency. There would be no point or purpose to God’s Mortal Experiment, to coin a phrase, if the participants were unable to choose independently, for themselves, what they would think, say and do.
If obedience were not possible there would be no point to God’s Wisdom. There would be no point in obeying God’s Commandments and there could be no reward for doing so.
The intent of lucifer, which led to his being given the Office of Satan, was to remove from the Children of God their ability to choose.
Similarly, the intent of Militant Islam is to remove from Mankind their ability to choose.
This is the evil of Militant Islam and a study of Mohammed and of the Quraan reveals it is the evil, not of individual Muslim members but of the essential religion.
Good Muslim families are as good as good Catholic families or those of any other faith or denomination. Good Mothers exhibit the nurturing love and charm which is integral to the sociality of all of God’s Children and is best exemplified in the home.
The fact that there are countless millions of Muslim families who are ‘good people’, good parents, good employers, good employees, good farmers and good artisans reflects on the Handiwork of God, not on the benefits of a religion which boasts its violent compulsions against Jews, Infidels or ‘anyone’.
We see in the Western World the manifestations of Free Will-perhaps in the form of Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking door to door, offering their grasp of Salvation. We see other Faiths engaged in similar appeals to individual agency, to Come Unto Christ or in fact, to come unto any other sectarian ideal.
The choice is up to the individual and the individual is invited to enjoy the rewards of their personal choice, in favour or against. We each must exercise choice, however we have no control over Consequence-this is the Natural Law of the Universe.
We see in Islam the manifestations of Obsessive Compulsion. Those who will not convert must die. We see their outlandish and unacceptable public displays of bombings, shootings, burnings, beheadings and chaotic rioting and we know this is not of God.
This is of Satan.
However, many in the West refuse to see what their eyes behold. The West has become complacent but is on the verge of a rude awakening.
History teaches and demonstrates the grave mistake which has been made by the freedom loving victors of last Century’s wars. The vast cost, in blood, is celebrated in sentimental orgies of ANZAC fervor and the like and immediately swept under the carpet. Single solitary soldiers, killed in the field of action, are carried home in outpourings of grief and accorded State Funerals. We say nothing about such funerals but point to the fact, more men died without reaching the beach at Gallipoli than have died in all Australian actions since WWII.
In the North of England, twenty thousand men died in one day of hand-to-hand combat, bows, arrows, swords, spears. 20,000 minimum. One day.
The freedom to exercise Agency has a price placed upon it. Satan is the one who places the price upon Agency. God grants every intellectually sound individual the blessing of Agency. Satan dedicates his wiles, in every way, to removing the ability of the individual to choose for himself.
Be it addictions to behavioural patterns or harmful substances, the constant war is to remove Agency from Mankind.
In the West, a growing methodology is to enshrine every excess in legitimacy. Each moral crime, a sin, is elevated to the realm of desirability. Material gain is god and each must be willing to trample the face of all in order to climb to where it is.
In Islam, the method is to wipe out such obscenity by force, rather than by educating and alerting the masses to their failings.
In both cases, the countless majority who suffer hunger, disadvantage, poverty and subjection become footsoldiers of dissatisfaction. Radical elements of crime and abuse.
As it happens, History assures us neither side will be victorious in the coming conflict. In fact, neither side will even survive.
The rot of decay hangs on the garments of the West, as its institutions fail and its people finally turn to rend each other. Civil War comes.
In the East, far more populous, demographic pressure will ensure similar stress is weighed out in similar measures.
But finally, the vastly destructive capability of modern man will triumph over the masses. We do not say nuclear war comes, although in some parts it must. Rather we point to the chemical and biological agents which, once released, cannot be turned back upon themselves, augmented by the simple truth, once the cohesion of Society is torn, its fabric of Civil Order, common diseases will remain untreated and become pandemic.
Many among Mankind will survive. In absolute terms, that is. The Prophet Isaiah states that, “Few men will survive”. But there will be no more Seven Billion.
Along the way, both Islam and the venial excesses of the West will be swept clean from Humanity’s plate.
And Peace will reign.
A Peace where all who can choose know to choose wisely, among the offerings of God’s Wisdom, His Commandments to the Children of Men.
Because survivors do not choose war and conflict. Survivors choose Peace, the Family, Love, Honour, Diligence and Obedience for the sake of the common good.
A bit Utopic?
Better than Utopia.
And everybody will have ample work to perform because, at present, our mistakes are creating the inestimable work that our few descendants must perform.