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    The great catch-cry around the world has become, noticeably – Democracy. Not simply in Egypt’s Cairo but equally in the slums of Lebanon and the street riots of Burma.

    So for quite some time now, chaos has been considered Democracy.
    Simply insisting that “the voice of the masses is democracy” or even that the voice of the masses represents the ‘rule of law’ is a lie. This is not an over-simplification. This is not naivety. This is hypocrisy. This is just another part of The Big Lie.


    So wheels continue to fall off and Mankind, in its gaily decorated little Irish dogcart, careers severally into its ditch.


    The West has conspired in its own filthy immersion. For too long the voice has been raised, that all constraint is foreign to Human Rights and that every imaginable license is Freedom. At last we are seeing so-called civilisation sink beneath the slime of its own lies and self-indulgences. At last we are seeing puzzled expressions on the faces of people who feels sure, somewhere deep inside, “it wasn’t meant to be like this?”


    In a sense, it’s amusing.


    Looked at Historically, the quagmire which has brought Humanity again to its knees is neither new nor unexpected. Piecemeal, we have been here before. Now at last, all the Human Race is gathered for its own ‘coup de grace’.


    The evidence is like an imbecile’s game of Trivial Pursuit. Lining up the answers and trying to guess the question?


    The West has turned its back on the very great men who built the cultural and historic foundations upon which all the fruits of Modernity rest. The West has equated its past merely to the liquor merchants, slave traders and tobacconists et al, who benefited along the way.


    “We say Sorry.” Bleats Australia’s Kevin Rudd. Who would have said sorry about anything at all if Australia had been colonised by Russia, France, Spain or Portugal. To Whom? A Stoneage race of nomads still struggles to rise to the challenge of living within four walls without tearing them down for firewood. Another Culture, such as the Dutch, would have done a far more thorough job of extermination than they felt the need to in South Africa. The Australian Aboriginals should be thankful they were only overrun by the British!


    It doesn’t matter how sorry politicians say they are, the only way out was up and the only way up was out. Out of the Stone Age and up to the fruits of Education, Health and Productivity.


    Education, Health and Productivity are what enabled the ‘Great Men’ to lead their societies to fruitful prosperity and opportunity.


    Along the way, they have led to the births of millions who presume the acts of their forebears were crimes and that these, the living, itinerate collegiates, are entitled to live bereft of all moral accountability.


    Well. We shall see.


    The case in Egypt is only typical. A people who cannot bring themselves to exercise self-government without abuse and corruption say now they want to be free. Free to destroy and burn. Free to lead themselves by the hand down into the jaws of the dire future that awaits all those who neglect self-discipline in search of Law and Order.


    The cultural heritage of Egypt is primarily that of Islam, rather than of the Ancient Pharaohs. The culture of Islam is one of obsessive compulsion.


    Mankind and Mortality were created for the purposes that all Men might choose. Islam is by definition Satanic, in that it seeks to deprive Men of Choice or Agency.


    So we should expect to see outcomes in Egypt that become increasingly indicative of the agents of Hell in their midst.


    This is not new. The same or similar outcomes are in train elsewhere around the world as an entire generation of despots and tyrants hold sway over their people by the rule of the sharpened Qura’n.


    While in the West, every scintilla of decency, law, moral fibre and the Family, which is the source of Moral Fibre in Sociality, is deconstructed by that imbecile mentioned above.


    Thus it is that the President of the United States of America, a doll erected out of the mists of the Twilight Zone if ever there was one, gaily designs the downfall of the very dupes who elected him to office.


    In the Land of Free Enterprise, a president sits in office who’s desire is to ‘communalize, compulsorily, all wealth’ and states that he is not a Communist. It happens to be with amusement we recall a discussion in the late sixties devoted to whether or not Aristotle was a Communist in his Peripatetic Philosophy. The fact is, Obama would strongly favor Aristotle.


    However, nothing can surpass the simple fact, not hidden but denied, Obama is an Islamist. An Islamist feels entitled to be a Communist because this permits him to justify unlimited force in compelling obedience. Recall, Lucifer promised God that he would cause ALL God’s children to return to their Father in Heaven, that “None would be lost”. A fine promise if it can be assured that none will be permitted the opportunity to sin!


    This is the satanic heart of Islam, Communism and Obama. It also lies at the heart of much that is happening in the world today.


    Let us also never forget the crimes of perversion and commission that are perpetrated by all those Freedom Loving individuals in the West. They continue to choose their bed and they must lie in it.


    The consequences of unrestrained license are as dire to the soul as the consequences of any sin. First the individual becomes inured to their acts of moral turpitude. Then they begin to suffer the spiritual death that comes from moral decay. Then they succumb to the physical consequences of their own and other’s unwise thoughts, words and deeds.




    So yes. The wages of sin is death. Death in this world and death in the world beyond.


    In a world where Western Civilisation gave the individual access to health, education and freedom to choose, wisdom was to treasure the Judeo/Christian cultural roots upon which these fruits were based. To elevate Family and Societal cohesion. To seek after these things and to freely give thanks to the God who’s blessings they share.


    Instead, we have miscegenated rabbles who regard infant murder as a method of birth control and who consider their personal sexual gratification take precedence over the rights of their unborn generations and the expectations, even the needs, of their Society.




    Well. They will die. We say five and a half thousand million will die but this is intentionally imprecise. What does it matter, either way?

    Who cares, aside from God! And it is God, not lucifer, who administers for Mankind its desperately desired coup de grace!



    One Response to “SO – DEMOCRACY!”

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