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    Back in the roaring days of the late sixties and seventies, when virtually anything could be put to music, including slamming prison doors, pop icon Mick Jagger came up with what might be the Solution soon for Mankind’s Dilemma. Walking The Dog.

    Problematic Viability

    You perhaps wonder in these days, when Afghans are conducting yet another Jirga, how walking a dog can have any relevance to Global War, Conflict or Peace. In fact, these ‘Conferences’ illustrate how global attitudes have evolved.

    There always were peace conferences, of course, and there was a famous mid-river conference which amounted only to the most spectacular betrayal, so it’s not as if there is no precedent to conferences. But the current Jirga is a quantum shift perhaps from the ethos of some ‘Peace’ attempts in the past.

    The Afghans seem reconciled within themselves to the fact they are dealing with a potential status quo among armed beligerants who each will not relinquish their grasp on personal dominion, influence, power or wealth. Neither do they expect much to change in the way these people hang on to what they have got.

    From the outside, it looks like they hope to reconcile as many ‘vested interests’ as possible, within a few days, to enduring the feral realities of their world rather than expecting a magical transformation to some Westernised Norm.

    As usual, this will merely perpetuate where they are and what they have, or have not, and will not make them any more attractive as neighbours of Humanity on this planet.

    Let’s look at customary options and the current crop of expressed ideals.

    One example is the “Flotilla Disaster” being currently held against the leaders of Israel. The deaths of nine people, particularly four Turks among them, is touted as some sort of tragedy. We ask, how many people on the face of the planet died in traffic accidents that day?

    Clearly, Death is not the point.

    Very plainly, the point here is public attitude. People should not die, we imply, in carefully staged and orchestrated ways, observed globally via ubiquitous media operatives and in the presence of carefully cued popularity polls.

    If someone dies a screaming horror, trapped in a burning car halfway up a lamp post on a street in some back blocks of Bangladesh, this is not a matter of wider concern.

    If a single mortality can be brought to life on the screen, this is the ‘reality’.

    Anonymous death is trivia while State Endorsed Grieving sells – well, almost anything! So the consumer wants ‘Fairness’.

    Anonymous death is fair while hugely public death must be exonerated or expunged, repealed, re-Historised so as to bring its unfairness to the fore.

    Clearly then, the tragedy of the Flotilla was the unfairness of the deaths.

    This transports very rapidly, wholecloth, to the 9/11 tragedy in New York. It was instantly seen as ‘unfair’. Also, we watched it unfold on-screen.

    There are among us many who feel they personally arbit what is war and what is fair. This is neither a pity nor a shame, just foolish.

    Virtually anything which gets itself on TV/Internet today is classified by someone, within minutes, as a Crime Against Humanity. The unfairness of it is brought to the attention of an avid consumer and the relevance of the event is often obscured by the need to ‘aspirate’ coverage.

    So the result has been that people who know nothing find themselves quoting, they think, from the Geneva Convention when in fact they are reading from the back of a package of Kellogg’s Cornflakes. They say, if it’s not real war then death is unfair.

    These people apparently cherish the bygone days of Trench Warfare in the Somme. How grand they think, to muster the Flower of each nation’s Youth, “In Uniform and Armed”, to slaughter each other in a magnificent display of bravery.

    Well, we have to say, they will have their trench warfare and it will be in their street. They will not feel brave. They will not be magnificent. A coin-flip says they will be dead nine times out of ten.

    But that’s not the issue here, nor with Mick and his dog.

    Some have attempted to enunciate the evolution of warfare away from ages old perceptions and to ideate the public to a reality more consonant with what goes on, off screen.

    Saddam Hussein instantly grasped this reality. He has been accused of ‘killing his own people’. Rubbish! They were a trouble making bunch of foreigners, an ethnic carbuncle on his bottom and he attempted to have them excised.

    This was instantly “Unfair”.

    They were not in uniform, largely unarmed and civilians.

    However, it WAS war and they did die.

    Therefore, We detect a disconnect between our WiFi and the Truth.

    How can this unfairness take place? Why can’t you stop it?

    You can stop it.

    But because war is unfair, the enemies will not line themselves up in uniform and fight like an imbecile.

    Rather we have the charade of ‘Professional Soldiers’ attempting not to hurt ‘People’ while doing their paid job.

    We are not speaking here of the dopey Flotilla, which certainly comes to mind in similar terms. We are talking about Afghanistan. Pakistan. Iran. Russia. China.

    My Goodness! Some of those are dangerous!


    In the Great War, World War One of Some, Germany had recourse to poison gasses which certainly worked very well. Administration was flawed, resulting in some cases of their own men being poisoned but they knew. It worked.

    By World War Two it was possible to introduce Nuclear Weapons. But this came AFTER the policy was introduced of ‘carpet bombing’ civilian cities. The idea being to demoralise the enemy. This was very destructive but generally was not found to work. People can be strengthened by adversity. The Atom Bomb worked.

    As times have progressed and Markers have been driven into the pliable earth of History, Korea, Vietnam, whatever, great strides have been taken in devising things that work.

    For one thing, we have bigger bombs.
    We also have smarter bombs.
    Today the UN is complaining the bombs are too smart and – unfair. Also, the cheek of it, an American Representative of the UN suggests, if the US continues to pursue the path of Unmanned Armed Drones, others might also do it. Which proves it’s unfair.

    Meanwhile, with the explosion of instantaneous global communications, which makes apparent unfairness infectious, we have quietly had an explosion of global populations. Somewhere between six and seven billions. In some countries it’s impossible, really, to know.

    The accepted dogma is that the Freeness of the Free West is unfair.

    Those who can manage to drag themselves out of their open-gutter existence and flee to the Free West are, however, hell-bent on making our countries as free as their own.

    It might be possible, even wise, to assume those who make it are the pick of the crop, the intellectual elite. In many cases, the people they leave behind are, of necessity, quite feral.

    This is the quandary faced by the self-selecting Influential People attending the Afghan Jirga. No matter what they do, their actions will be oppressive and unfair.

    We mean, they will be unfair in the eyes of the somatic consumers out Here.

    Back in Afghanistan, it’s fair to assume the war will just go on. They’ve seen Paris and to hell with the farm. All those people are a drain on the creative energies of their leaders who, left to their own devices, would never come up with a fair or sensible solution.


    About the time of Korea it became apparent Mankind had progressed beyond your Mustard Gas and CS. We will not go into what the BioMed world has dreamed up but suffice it to say, it’s mentioned in the Bible. So if they were talking about it three thousand years ago, you just know it works!

    Once again though, as the Germans found, delivery can be tricky and needs to be absolutely predictable. Even more so when the result is fatal, horrendously painful and untreatable, leading to a long, agonising death requiring the maximum of nonexistent medical support and assistance before death.

    heh You wouldn’t want to try it out on your neighbour’s annoying kids.

    And this is where the Notable Mick Jagger comes in. Or, more especially, his dog.

    Carriers released in some of these feral nations would have to survive only long enough to reach the nearest human habitation.

    The rest would be History.

    “j j j j – j j j j – just a walkin’. Just a walkin’ tha dog.”

    Since nobody would be watching TV, by acclaim it would be fair and it works.

    Dragons are not Go.


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