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    The circumstances surrounding Saturday’s shooting were unclear, and Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos has promised to investigate and punish anyone found responsible.
    “It is inconceivable for there not to be punishment when a person loses their life, particularly when it is a child,” he said. “The taking of life is something that is not excusable in a democracy.” Police said the two officers involved claimed they were attacked by a group of youths, and that they responded with three gunshots and a stun grenade.

    Athens Riots-pic JPost

    Days later, following riots in several Greek cities and even demonstrations internationally, it seems many millions of dollars of damage has been perpetrated by the innocent cohorts of the louts who elected voluntarily to stone the police in the original attack. In fact, early accounts indicated they also used Molotov Cocktails but we will not dispute the issue.

    What is the point of having laws when they are used only against those employed to enforce them?

    We state here that Global Civilisation has tipped over into the abyss from which it will not emerge until five and a half thousand MILLION have died. The official statements regarding the anarchy in Greece demonstrate we are precisely correct in our statements.

    As these ‘events’ erupt in diverse locations globally, especially among those who feel most disempowered and least committed to their Society, the Young, it will become inevitable that they will coagulate into a global ‘movement’ of lawlessness and death.

    Who feels these millions who reject Law will not die?

    Who feels that these who smash, burn and loot expensive premises and professional property must forever be sacrosanct and above the consequences of their voluntary acts?

    When millions roam footloose and destructive, waylaying longhaul transport and looting foodstuffs intended for city retail outlets, who will not die for the sake of food?

    When your city burns and your hunger and thirst burn more so, who will you kill?

    We shall see how long it is before “Authorities” accept that Law and Order does not come without enforcement. Pax Romana was rigidly enforced for exactly the same reasons these galoots in Greece and elsewhere cannot be held as “above the law” – by which we mean “Above the Law of Consequence”.

    When millions of lawless individuals exact retribution upon both the State and their Neighbours, for any ‘perceived wrong’, it is already too late. The way back is through the blood of Greek citizens in Greece. The way back is through the blood of your neighbours in your street. Your blood will be statistically shed.

    You object to blood being the “Way Back”?

    There is no way back.

    Those who do not die (“Few will survive”) will go on without us. We, in our moldering remains, will linger here, dead, destroyed, past – ago.

    There is no way back.

    “he said. “The taking of life is something that is not excusable in a democracy.””


    Democracy is the luxurious property of the survivors – after Peace has been purchased with Blood.

    5.5 billion will die.

    No Way Back

    Anarchic Athenian schoolchildren are hard because they move around. Tricky to get a good shot.

    5.5 Billion.

    No Way Back


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