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  • SHORT TAKES IV by Guran

    Frequently Guran posts comments in world media, especially in JPost where ample provision exists, but such comment is frequently not published! We see nothing in the direct and pragmatic stance taken by Guran, who says little at WenU blog as a rule, and so we will publish a selection of those posts that, for editorial reasons elsewhere, would never see the light of day:-


    Reply to:                Article: IDF gets green light to strike Hamas after rocket barrage 


    150,000,000 Deaths Would Do    25 December 2008

    It began some years ago: we said 100 million and likely now, more than 150 million need to go. But for the World to take seriously the debacle it faces, Iran should be obliterated, Control and Communication destroyed in Syria and North Korea and Lebanon also nuked. In round figures today 150 – 200 million dead. But nobody will do it. Instead five and a half thousand million will die. Nobody cares. 5.5 Billion will die.


    Reply to:            Article: Defense officials: Drop in rocket attacks won’t stop Gaza op 


    Ministry Legal Officials Say “Don’t Fight”  – 23 December 2008

    “Fighting hurts people and that’s bad!” The real point to all this is that the Arabs want ISRAEL to start a War. They try to provoke Israel on the basis of then screaming to the World that they are ‘Victims of Terror’. The day will come, regardless of opinion, when they will all die. Not they alone but regardless, who cares? When the World wakes one morning to reality it will be already too late. Death will come not by the spoonfull but by the bucket load. Then nobody will care about the screaming.



    Reply to:            Article: Gov’t launches Gaza op PR campaign 


    Losers Telegraph Punches    22 December 2008

    And losers die. The nature of War has not altered in all the History of the Human Race. People die. In conversational confrontations, arguably termed ‘debates’, reputations may be maligned but people seldom die. You can argue all you like but in War, if you only debate – you die. When you kill your enemy – he dies. When he and all his civilians are dead – you win. History is nasty and only ever tells the Truth. “The losers are dead”. Those who WRITE History insist the Losers were all Bad!  heheh Duncha Lof ut! “But They were Bad”



    Reply to:            Article: UNSC: Israel-Palestinian peace process is irreversible  by JPOst


    UN Declares War On Israel    17 December 2008

    Not for the first time, the UN has openly declared itself antagonistic to the existence of Israel. This renewed declaration that invasions, incursions and land confiscations upon Israel are “irreversible” is simply to state, in the event Israel resists the terrorial demands of its enemies, TOO BAD. This comes as no surprise, nor will it influence final outcomes, but we should all be mindful, the Nations who are United against us are not the West. It may sound trivial but if the UN had a Use-By-Date it passed that many years ago. The Piper now demands to be paid.



    Reply to:            Article: ‘Offering ‘carrots’ to Iran a mistake’  


    Five And A Half Thousand Million Will Die    15 December 2008

    People don’t take the issues today seriously. “Someone” should obliterate Iran, take out Control and Communication in Syria, Lebanon and North Korea – possibly 150 million deaths. That would bring the seriousness of the matter to World attention. But no Politician or Statesman will do that so we shall continue as we are and 5.5 billion will die instead. Again – without change in our present behavious 5.5 billion are dying – have already begun now. Nobody cares enough to – care.  www.wenublog.com



    Reply to:            Article: Army braces for Gaza border attacks 


    If Israel Doesn’t Care, Israel Doesn’t Matter    11 December 2008

    There is not and never has been any legitimate Arab claim to any part of Israel. They must be free to come and go peaceably but there is no legitimate Arab claim to the land. However, since its inception as Modern Israel, The Arab World has declared an open war against Israel. The failure of Israel to simply cite this as their reason for “resistance” to Arab aggression has been the cause of sixty years of suffering, in Israel, in the Middle East and Globally. Sick of it. And it’s Israel’s fault. If Israel doesn’t care, Israel doesn’t matter.



    Reply to:            Article: Did the deluge start in the Carmel? 


    Trajectory Accounts For Details    10 December 2008

    Stragglers from the Black Sea innundation, where the water never retreated, making it over the mountains to Babylon, would carry a racial memory of the drowning of their origins. The simplest accounting for these things is that the explosion of a primordial Krakatoa 11,000 years ago precipitated the end of that Ice Age, raised the sea and caused the Flood. Much evidence of Myth and Lore ties very closely with this account, including that Atlantis was on the sunken planes of Indonesia, the World’s greatest source of gold and precious metal. The South China Sea was once a grassy plain.



    Reply to:            Article: UN Mideast envoy slams settler violence against Palestinians  by

    Israel NOT an Occupying Power    6 December 2008

    The Arabs are invading usurpers. The UN is the running dog of satan. Tony Blair has sold his soul to the goddess Expediency. The Arabs wait smiling while their enemies tear Israel to pieces like dogs in the street. The World watches as if the Ass is no more dangerous than the Angel. Eternity is dating Mankind Tonight.



    Reply to:            Article: Soldier loses leg in mortar shell attack  by JPost


    Patience Can Be A Tricky Ask    30 November 2008

    It’s proving extremely difficult to get these Arabs to mount a serious attack on Israel. Of course, they have to feel that they MUST win before they will do more than provoke Israel into propaganda and public relations bungles, so Israel is in the tricky position of having to wait the Arabs out before they can wipe them out. Tricky.



    Reply to:            Article: The military implications if the Gaza cease-fire collapses by Jeffrey White


    Little White Lies    28 November 2008

    Any suggestion that Israeli troops might fight house-to-house with Hamas snipers and in the face of pre-placed underground charges is insane but fairly typical for the IDF and Mr White. Israel should simply apply a progressive ‘scorched earth’ attack in Gaza – drive out the occupants while reducing each area to rubble and then ‘clearing’ that area of munitions and weapons storages. Civilian deaths? Depends on how fast and how far they can run. Political fallout? All the usual suspects will blame Israel. But No! Israel will not do it. There are no Jews in Modern Israel, only TA Leftists.


    Reply to:            Article: Rice: Israeli politics preventing peace  JPost


    Ceding Judea/Samaria Will Not Bring Peace    24 November 2008

    Peace is not the idea. Bush and Olmert know, ceding Judea/Samaria to the Arabs will simply suck them into the desired War. Neither can think of a better way to eradicate once and for all the constant hatred represented by the Arabs and their hateful culture. Letting them once again surround Israel will draw them unstoppably into the final war. As it happens, not just Jews and Arabs will be drawn in of course and five and a half thousand million people will be destroyed. But YOU knew that. Globally, they have already begun dying.



    Reply to:            Article: Barak: Hizbullah has missiles that can reach as far as Dimona  JPost


    Except …. Err ….  But …    24 November 2008

    Barak knows the Arabs need more time to stockpile arms and gather their courage for the next attempt to “invade and destroy Israel”.  Poor Arabs, they are learning. Every attempt in the past has been defeated. But their evil and malice is without end so Olmert and Co. are convinced they only need to give the Arabs enough rope and they will invade again. The problem for Israel is that the Arabs are taking so long to get their courage up, Israel cannot tell if the Knesset party in power will still remember what the plan WAS! YOU had the Plan! No, you said YOU had it!  heheh  ooops!



    Reply to:            Article: Does this mean it’s too late? Not yet – JPost


    We Already Know The Politicians Will Wait Too Long    20 November 2008

    The prophetic outcome is ‘they’ will drop the bomb. The only matter open for conjecture in the last 3000 years has been who ‘they’ are. We also have heads-up on the military consequences within the borders of Israel – and that the dead will require months to bury. Elsewhere, landscape will be become suited to dragons in their pleasant dens. Don’t let me bore you but – are YOU looking at how soon cannibalism might become an attractive alternate to starvation? Far be it from me to incite violence. It’s YOU who will act without restraint.


    Reply to:            Article: Hebron settlers prepare for evacuation  JPost


    Forged Documentation? From an Arab??  hahaHAHAhaha    19 November 2008

    What Arab documentation is NOT forged! That is hardly the point. Objective evidence that the transaction took place is sufficient for Israeli possession to be upheld in Israeli law. But that begs the question: Does Israel expect ‘someone’ to come and defend Israeli law? Does Israel prefer to wait for another Shoah? Maybe if Israel didn’t stand by and permit its own destruction there WOULD be Peace in the ME!



    Reply to:            Article: Livni: Israel won’t put up with ‘repeated breaches of cease-fire’ JPost


    Livni Speaks With Forked Tongue    16 November 2008

    Every word she speaks is denied by the facts on the ground. Livni is an abject liar – but then, who wouldn’t be if they wanted to be elected in Israel. It’s clearly no place for the honest or truthful. The simple fact is – Israeli rulers have been told Torah says they must wait until Israel is destroyed and then – WHAMMO – they will be saved! So they fall over each other to lose the next war to the Arabs, as soon as possible! These people are more zionist than the Zionists! Rav Olmert and Rav Livni have the clearest of visions, obviously!



    Reply to:            Article: Experts to Obama: Don’t threaten Iran JPost


    Seen “Regime Change” – Have They Seen Obliteration    14 November 2008

    The World would survive quite well without the adventurism of Iran. Why should the World limit itself to a militaristic slap on the hand? We have the wherewithal to ‘solve’ Iran’s problem forever. What these experts are suggesting is, nothing can be done until there is no option but to obliterate the entire Human Race. Which is close anyway except only five and a half thousand million will die.



    Reply to:            Dayan to Peres: End the Incitement by Maayana Miskin –  Arutz Sheva 


    Unelected Oppressors Lack Authority    11 November 2008

    True Israelis cannot help but despise politicians who sell out Israel for the sake of their own personal obituaries.



    Reply to:            Article: Zahar: No long-term cease-fire with Israel now


    Israel Has No ‘Territories Taken by the Jews”    10 November 2008

    The so-called West Bank was stolen by Jordan and held by them until it was recovered by Israel in 1967. This is historical fact. The BIG LIE is to say Israel took something that had not been stolen from Israel in the first place. Arabs who choose criminal activity in Israel should be expelled. As for the War that must come, it must come and the Arabs will not permit Peace to exist for Israel. This was always the Truth confronting Modern Israel. Similarly, modern Israeli leaders are as much enemies of the State of Israel as the Arabs are.

    Reply to:            Article: ‘Barak’s words may lead to incitement’ By JPost.com Staff


    Typical and Cynical Exploitation of Fear with Lies    9 November 2008

    Barak and Co. are doing their very best to incite their own murders. This World is running rapidly out of time to play these silly political games. One-upman-ship is fine for parlour games but Rabin died as a result of ‘unfinished business’ and nothing in Israeli politics has acknowledged the true causes of his death. Israel will be decapitated as a result of its unwillingness to deal with political dreamers who get rich at the expense of hard working honest members of the public. Typically, these Left-leaning elitists are exploiting the workers they tread on.



    Reply to:            Article: Rice: Annapolis is vital and vibrant By Associated Press


    The BIG LIE    8 November 2008

    The art of the BIG LIE is to take a simple and true statement and alter a word so as to legitimise a blatant attack – “The Annapolis process has laid the foundations for the eventual DESTRUCTION of the state of ISREAL.”  This is the TRUE statement, but the more palatable LIE is, “The Annapolis process has laid the foundations for the eventual establishment of the state of Palestine,”  There is no state of Palestine and never will be aside from Jordan. Attempts to destroy Israel in the name of Palestine are evil and are sourced by both the Arabs Generally and their tool, the UN.



    Reply to:            Article: Barak: Israel not ruling out any option in stopping Iran threat By JPost.com staff and Tovah Lazaroff


    Holocaust By Bracket Creep    7 November 2008

    Israel and Livni continue the policy that has delegitimised Israel for 60 years, and particularly since Oslo. While making a succinct remark here and now, Livni will go to Sharm el Sheik and let the ‘Quartet’ generate another statement including such words as “occupied territories” which was introduced by the French and seized on by the World as an excuse to determine that the “occupied territories” must be the mystery new nation belonging to the Arabs in the middle of Israel. Palestine is Jordan and the PA is an Arab/UN weapon against Israel. Say it, Zippy. For once in your life defend Israel.



    Reply to:            Article: Israeli leaders congratulate Obama on presidential victory By jpost.com staff


    End Of Racism? In ME?    5 November 2008

    Peres has taken leave of his senses – or he is a hypocrytical, lying old fool. We know the answer – Peres is a two faced lying old politician who could not lie straight in bed and who attempts every day to sell out Israel to the lowest bidder – for the sake of ‘sounbites of History’. He wants to be remembered for what he thinks are ‘The Right Words’. He lies and he is a traitor to Israel and has the fundamental dishonesty to say “Racism is ended” because of an event in the USA. ME? Congo? Kurdistan? India? China? Some people are born filth. Some work hard to make it.



    Reply to:            Article: Abbas: Peace agreement is not possible by the end of the year – By Jpost staff and ap


    The Usual Ongoing BIG LIE    3 November 2008

    War has been declared by the Arabs and neither Israel nor the USA have any impact on that Arab decision. After all these years of aculturation to War Against Israel and the Infidel, even the Arabs no longer have power to agree Peace. Peace will come in the grave. Abbas is simply going through the paces of maintaining the Big Lie. It’s now second nature and due to the culture of mediocrity in the West, what he says is reported as having impact on Truth. All he is saying is, “War Continues”. We agree but we say, “War Comes”.


    Reply to:            Article: TV channels won’t air Amir interview By JPost.com Staff


    JPost Hates Meh *cruys*    1 November 2008

    The fact is, more than a few people in and out of Israel feel that Rabin got shot for doing a terrible thing to Israel. Some would say more people have died as a result of events Rabin put in train than were necessary. The Arabs already were at war with Israel and there has been no Peace since Oslo, only mindless and costly Appeasement. Some ‘Heroes Of The People’ are not PC until the People wake up and rectify their past. Was Rabin an ‘innocent civilian’? We’ll publish this one at www.wenublog.com where reality rules.


    Reply to:            Article: ‘Israeli strike against Iran won’t work’ By JPost.com Staff


    Except – Who Will Use These Nuclear Installations?    26 October 2008

    These underground and fortified nuclear sites are of no interest to anybody if there IS nobody to use them. The idea that anybody would be so simplistic as to drop a few bombs on Iran and say, “Naughty Naughty!” Get real. The main hazard is to act in such a way that Russia is not foolish enough as to exacerbate the situation by attempting to ‘move in’ to Iran after the event. The World has no place ‘or Time’ for much more adventurism. Nevertheless – we will continue down our present path, instead of a total and exemplary attack on Iran, so five and a half thousand million will die – instead.



    Reply to:            Article: PM: We’re sick of incitement, these people belong in prison By Tovah Lazaroff, Yaakov Katz, Yaakov Lappin, and Jpost staff


    A House Divided    26 October 2008

    A House Divided Against Itself Must Fall    What else can people do? What options exist for Israeli people to register their genuine contempt for a government that does not represent the people? The PM states that people opposed to his views should be in gaol – and he has no personal credibility and took office on a 3% support base. His views are not representative of the People. The People must reclaim their National Rights – because the State cares nothing for them or their rights.



    Reply to:            Article: Iranian official calls for attack on UK By Jonny paul, JPost correspondent in london


    Desperate To Provoke Attack    26 October 2008

    These guys are desperate to provoke an attack on Iran and they indicate that, for them, time is running out. Is Ahmadinejad determined to shake hands with the 12th Imam before he pops off? Or before he ceases to be political Flavour of the Month? Plainly, in the event war does not ensue soon, they always have the fall-back status that they were the aggressor – which is an important face-saver if you are an Arab. Suing for Peace is of course a No-No. So the Arabs will have to be destroyed and their evil religion along with them – or no peace. They know that.



    Reply to:            Article: Haniyeh: America’s economic turmoil is ‘divine punishment’ By JPost.com staff and AP


    Haniyeh Is Probably Right    18 October 2008

    The West is a cess pit of materialism and immorality – but once the West has found its position totally unbearable and intollerable – it will wipe out the Ayrabs, along with everything else on this planet attempting to capitalise on the sufferings of Uncle Sam and the Bulldog. By then the Lion will be lying down with the Lamb. Five and a half thousand millions will die.

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