Britain sinks into the slime of its own ejecta as it insists Israel, mandated as a State by International Law in 1922 and 1948, exists in contravention of Article Four of the Geneva Convention.
We are told by the Prophets, “In those days the truth will be a lie and a lie will be the truth.”
Not to say this article is some Biblical or religious diatribe. The simple fact is that this author would be perfectly happy to press the button – and it will happen when someone else does so because the button is there, not here.
The reason the planet slips daily into the pit of self-immolation is that World Bodies, those ‘August Chambers’ are dominated by representatives of ignoble states. The assertive majority of the race are beneath contempt, as peoples, as individuals and as members of the Human Race. That is why they will die. History will not expunge them – there will always be a trace, but they shall be gone.
These individuals who stand at the UN, EU and in national parliaments and who define Israelis as ‘Colonists’ in their own Historical Homeland are liars. The depths of their ignominy are defined as pathos. Their infamy is unspeakable.
It would be a blessing to the Human Race to detonate a nuclear device under the UN building – if it were possible to do so without harming the City of New York. But no matter, it will be done anyway and no one will attend the UN because they fear to enter New York. This is not a personal threat of the author – this is an objective observation.
There is nothing so pragmatic as History and the face of Humanity will be barely recognisable in a very short time. Trodden flat by the descent of Time, the majority of the race will cease to exist. All those who think there should be a Law to prevent the author from speaking such words should remember – if you wish to take away freedom of speech you had better have a gun. The freedoms we defended in the West are not for sale and did not come for free. If you want to apply chains, bring your blood.
Now. Lets get back to something serious.
When the British Parliament apologises for allowing Israeli ‘Settlers’ into its embassy we have literally scraped the bottom of the barrel. When the British Prime Minister looks like the kind of person I would not allow to feed my dog it’s no wonder that the Institutions of the Free World are in contempt. He has no neck. Deformed.
Thankfully, Human Nature is so disgusting these people will be destroyed.
Not today. Perhaps.
But when that shell-backed invertebrate of a PM gets his it will not even be a particularly noteworthy fact of a far more desperate day.
Globally, politicians and the peoples they represent are as dishonest as the day is long. The vested interests of ‘parties’ are as obvious as the drooling of their lips – notoriety and loot are all that will do. The trappings of public decency are a sham to disguise the ever present and rampant desire for media acclaim. Media agencies bequeath fame as though they were the arbiters of decency and worthiness.
Mankind usurps its God.
How forgetful of Mankind! The long pages of history are painted with the vivid acts of the usurpers and History’s immaculate revenge. People who will yet read these words will dine off the bodies of their children, except those who’s children eat them. Nothing will deflect the ‘second edge’ of History.
Little Heroes make loud challenges, bold as brass, believing their deaths will be quick and painless and their ‘sacrifices’ will be remembered. Long after these poor excuses for members of the human race have been crushed, smeared, rotted and sluiced from dog ridden streets their people will suffer even greater, more painful indignities. The lucky ones will die fast. Many will pray to a God they hope is finally there to just let them go.
Why will I not write nice words?
Why should I lie!