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    By default, through its persistent refusal to discourage anti-Semitism and direct threats against Israel, including the use of Iranian nuclear weapons, the UN has approved all such and is culpable in Israel’s threatened destruction.

    That August Chamber

    The UN says many other things which it disclaims ownership of. For instance the UN is the default enemy of the Family, fostering and harbouring many NGOs and the like whose vested interests and minority agendae are directly opposed to the concept of Marriage and the Family being the very fabric by which Society is held together. Rather, these minority groups desire license to commit any and all perversion in the name of Civil Liberty and to have such license enshrined in Law.

    But by allowing the existence of Israel to become the stated anathema of the globe, the UN has gone beyond irresponsible. By allowing itself to become the voice of un-elected despots, tyrants and religious zealots, the UN has permitted the highest aspirations of the Free World to become the tools of its tormentors.

    All of the errors of the UN will be put right. Countless millions will die to wash its crimes from the torn garment of Humanity. Billions will die but justice will be done.

    We live in the Last Days of the United Nations.

    They ARE united, but not for the good of Mankind. Those nations which seek to exploit the highest aspirations of the Race for their own fallen plans will not survive the fire.

    The UN will die, in our day, by fire.


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