The Children of Israel may be Zionists and not ‘Jews’. Not all of Diaspora is of the lineage of the house of Judah. Many in Diaspora are of the Northern Kingdom, including Ephraim and Manasseh. For ‘Orthodoxy’ to impute non-Jewishness to Christian Zionists is false.
Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew and all of his initial followers were Jews. Those who will inherit The Land of Israel are the Diaspora as a whole, not some self-selecting elite who cannot see the stones of the riverbed in their souls.
Much that is good must be said for and of those in Diaspora who maintained their Jewishness throughout the last two thousand years. Some, indeed, prevailed against all odds and at least to some extent, from the times of the First and Second Temple Destructions. Only in these last days do we see the shards of their culture at last reappearing in half forgotten myth and habit of yesteryear – but these are they unto whom the Kingdom remains promised.
The very idea that some ‘elite orthodoxy’ might get there first and hijack the Holy Land is laughable to say the least. Taking Israel hostage must tempt HaShem to intervene.
We have no sympathy at all for the Ishmaelites nor their horrible and false claims. What can Abbas know about Holy Jerusalem? What matter is it if Mankind attach any veneration to the year 1967. The single most noteworthy event of 1967 was that, once Israel and Jerusalem in its entirety was placed in the hands of the Jews, the Orthodoxy insisted on forcing the Arabs to take it back.
Now they imply Mankind has some obligation to defend them from their oppressors. Oppressors they self-selected on the basis of their own vanity and hubris.
No direct lineal descendant of Judah has greater call on Israel as his home than any Christian Zionist. Plus it becomes daily more obvious that the enemies of Israel are the Jewish Orthodoxy. At least, those among them who style themselves ‘ultra-orthodox’. Christus is merely a Greek rendition of Messiah and the Messiah is central to the message of the entire Old Testament, both the Law AND the Prophets.
We sympathise with their struggle to sustain their place in the land they also are entitled to call home but we have no interest in their rejection of the rights of Messianic Zionists who accept Christianity. More particularly the rights of those Zionists who consider themselves Jews, Zionists and Christians. Because that is their God Given Right.
Even so, Zion is not simply Jerusalem or the Holy Land. Zion is the Pure in Heart and Zion exists amid the Company of the Faith.
Shortly now, when the idolatrous on both sides tire of this luke-warm struggle, death will increase all around. Then Death will declare itself and many contestants will find their lot among those who never were of Zion, the Pure in Heart or of the Faith. Bring it on. We await.