Frequently Guran posts comments in world media, especially in JPost where ample provision exists, but such comment is frequently not published. We see nothing in the direct and pragmatic stance taken by Guran, who says little at WenU blog as a rule, and so we will publish a selection of those posts that, for editorial reasons elsewhere, would never see the light of day:-
Reply to: Obama says Israel must stop settlement construction
Obama Swallows Arab Narrative! – 29 May 2009
He is now the enemy of Israel. This likely makes the US and the Free World enemies of Israel. That’s a terrible and a sad thought but it must surprise nobody. Now let us see what they will do to avenge themselves on Israel. And let us see the consequences. None of this was unforeseen and yet, the blind cannot see.
Reply to: Article: Analysis: Is Obama looking for a fight over ‘natural growth’?
#1 & #3 There Is No palestinian Land ! – 28 May 2009
There is no palestinian people, no palestinian language, no palestinian capital city and no palestinian statesman prior to the international terrorist Arafat. Judea/Samaria was won back after the Jordanian invasion of Israel. Israel is Israel and the USA is a pathological liar, always was and always will be. Read her lips – HRC means what she says, “Israel get out!” – of Israel. The USA has become the dregs of the Human Race and Mankind have rightly begun to treat them with the total contempt they richly deserve.
Reply to: Beinisch Tightens Feminist Hold on Courts, Justice Ministry by Gil Ronen
Reality Is Its Own Reality Check – 22 May 2009
The nicest thing about women is that, when they realise it hurts, they fight back with absolutely no moral restraint. We can expect, after Israel is destroyed by the West, these women will be totally vindictive in their treatment of the Jewish populace – and each other. Like the ghetto, Israel will become the cosy place in which they betray each other. HaShem will burn the tares. Zion is the pure in heart. Neither men nor unprinicipled women will alter the words of the prophets, only fulfill them. LOL Check the Israeli Supreme Court dealing with the prophets! Stoned huh? Israel is not elect because of its goodness but because it keeps a good account of its own sins.
Reply to: Article: Clinton: No more settlement construction
And There Is No Road Map! – 21 May 2009
I like that bit in the movie where they notice the goat is gone and the rope is flapping around in the wind! Coool What was the goat? Israel? Or is Israel the dynosaur? Or is Israel under the foot of something big? I liked the way the ripples bounced across the puddles! Bye Bye Someone. You are all going to die. There is no road map, only lies leading to more lies. Failure to identify lies makes one a liar. At least the Arabs have the decency to admit, as soon as they feel able they will kill the West. But when the West is done 5.5 billion will die.
Reply to: Mass Protests Against US Pressure on Israel by Hillel Fendel
How Sweet It Is! – 20 May 2009
For the message to go home, Jews everywhere must at last simply state “There is no Palestine”. In fact there is no palestinian language, no palestinian capital city and no palestinian statesman prior to the international terrorist Arafat. Kamerad Obama should be told bluntly, neither the Jews nor HaShem are the Wong. The time has come and even has passed, for Obama to back off. But I waste my ink. The time has passed. How will it be for you? Civil War? A gunshot? Untreated disease. Starvation? Raped and murdered in your own street? When this thing gets going, with no medical facilities, every disease outbreak will seem like pandemic. If you look healthy they might eat you. Best then if you were dead. Two States means Dead or Alive.
Reply to: Restrictions on Jerusalem Day Marchers by Hillel Fendel
March Anyway! – 20 May 2009
What is the point of Law and Order if it is only used to terrorise peaceful citizens? People died for the Freedoms exercised by the Free. Police cannot snatch away those Freedoms for petty political purposes. If the police wish to die to prevent Freedom, let them fight to suppress Freedom. March and wave flags in celebration of Freedom – or die doing so. But March.
Reply to: 3 more battalions planned for PA force
Diaspora Turcoats Will Again Wait Too Long – 19 May 2009
In Diaspora there are many millions who profit daily from the wealth and bounty of this world. In WWII they sat back reeling in the shekels ($US) and only finally reacted in alarm when their personal wealth was threatened. The same is true today and Yes, they could care a great deal less, and will, before they will care more. Then, the tares shall be burned. This time the fires will rage in the USA also. Diaspora has no moral compass and is steered only by its desire to seek and obtain vanishing profits. They are as venal as Chinese Communists – with far more to lose.
Reply to: Article: Arrivals: Johanna Roggan and Ari Miller: From Berlin and Pennsylvania to Tel Aviv
Why Teach Sacrifice Is The Greatest Love?? – 16 May 2009
This article is banal anyway but these people are the shallowest imaginable. Is this typical of TA? Outside Israel we often get the impression of this vaunted “Bubble” but Israel is the very last country on Earth in which to forget that the Sword comes from above. Their bubble will be gone, along with the empty tissue of their plastic dreams. If they disdain totally to act in defence of their fellow Jews then their lives are already wasted. But many in Israel, it seems, share their vapid view of life and the lack of substance in their dreams. Dreams? What dreams?
Reply to: Article: IAF revamps security following breaches
Your Brother In Your Kitchen – 16 May 2009
IDF Internal security teams have a total aculturation advantage over their ‘victims’, in knowing everything there is to know about blending in with the expectations of base security staff. Hence bluffing a couple of Commanders into handing over their IDs. Top level intruders might be able to do the same but an arab would have difficulty. Not impossible but requiring a facile and skilled capacity. IDF team members would act like they owned the place – and of course, they do. But procedures should have detected their ruse!! tsk tsk Shoot first, always.
Reply to: Tony Blair: Iranian Threat and Two-State Solution are Contingent by Avraham Zuroff
No Way Jose’ – 15 May 2009
The ‘Window of Opportunity’ closed sixty years ago. Go home and stop kidding Israel can be destroyed with impunity. Modern Israel WILL be destroyed. Many will suffer and die. Blair should go consider what colour tie he will wear for his last meal. He’s right about that – Time has run out!
Reply to: Article: Our World: Opportunity is knocking at Israel’s door by Caroline Glick
The Enemies Of Our Enemies Are Enemies First And Foremost – 12 May 2009
Knowing that two bad people hate each other does not make either of them good. The vested interests of ALL Arab nations do not lie in a Jewish prosperity. They deem such to be culturally incompatible with their reality. So courting an enemy is – courting an enemy. The Egyptians, being Arabs, respect fearsome enemies and would be polite to victorious Israel. But War comes. Islam will be a minor sectarian part of History when 5.5 billion of us are dead.
Reply to: Article: Netanyahu: Peace talks to begin ‘soon’
Peaceful Lies Lead To Honest War – 12 May 2009
When the war begins they will all admit at last the Truth – this is a religious war and a failure from the start to deal honestly with the root of Islamist violence has only delayed the inevitable. No amount of ‘niceness’ in their lies can conceal, they lie to each other’s face and their only truth is war. This is not new. This is as it has always been. History says what will come next and soon. The Prophets saw our day with rejoicing.
Reply to: Article: ‘Netanyahu-Obama meeting crucial to ME’
They All Play Obama For A Fool – 11 May 2009
Which is probably dangerous because I wouldn’t trust him personally. He does have to exercise power though and be seen to do so. Attempts by the Arabs to delegitimise Israel have been almost totally successful and Abdullah seems to think it’s a lay-down lazaire. Bibi should simply inform Obama of Israel’s concerns in the matters of International Diplomacy and then be about representing Israel. Nothing is going to deflect the War the Arabs insist on having.
Reply to: Article: Column One: Obama’s green light to attack Iran by Caroline Glick
Israel Would Need Lots – 9 May 2009
The problem is the need to neutralise other Arab threats while obliterating Iranian threats. This calls for attacks on Syria, Lebanon, possibly Jordan and Egypt while focusing heavily on Iran. I would use subs to nuke Iran from the south. I would also obliterate that ‘Listening Pine’ of the USA, along with its personnel, as a message to the yanks. “If you are not with me, you are against me.” Then I would watch to see how the yanks responded to Russian intervention in Iran. But No. Brinkmanship will continue till foreign blood soaks Israeli soil. fait accompli.
Reply to: US slams Hizbullah actions in Egypt
Public Support For Lebanese Hizbollah Is Witting – 9 May 2009
It’s BECAUSE of Hizbollah terror activities that they garner support from the public, not despite. Generations, even centuries of brainwashing and aculturation to the evil ethos of Islam lends a ready ear to the chants of “Great West Satan” and justifies everything that any cheap tyrant might dream up. Lebanon is just another den of vipers. One among very many. US policies of playing mind games with them will bear no fruit. Evil despises good. Their very religion teaches them to cheat. If Hizbollah attracts US spleen it wins in Lebanese eyes and hearts.
Reply to: Hamas claims mortar attack on w. Negev
If Israel Doesn’t Care, Israel Doesn’t Matter! – 6 May 2009
And neither does JPost. Completely despicable spreading of lies. The cheek to publish such lies – that Arabs respond to Israeli violence! You people are unfit to live in Israel! Modern Israel is a blot on the history of the Jewish People! Who can treat with respect a people who demean themselves in such a manner. If this is how Jews in Europe behaved in the 30s, the Nazis were doing Mankind a favour. What unspeakable hubris to state Arabs fire rockets at Israel in revenge for Israeli attacks! Go Home! Go back to the sewer in hell you crawled out of to publish such unspeakable rubbish!
Reply to: Taliban Islamists Nearing Pakistani Nukes by Hillel Fendel
Stupid Mind Games! – 6 May 2009
They say Pakistan is more threat to Israel than Iran so Israel should surrender to palestinian terrorists! Forever this mindless rubbish about supporting their anti-semitic agenda. The answer is either nuke Pakistan back to the Stone Age or drop some bio-agent into their lap to deal with for the next six generations. Nobody has time left to play these stupid “fair play games”. It was ‘wipe out 150 million to prevent 5.5 billion deaths’. A year later it is 250 million minimum and rising quickly – although as we admitted before: It’s already too late. Five and a half thousand millions will die.
Reply to: Editor’s Notes: A cold dose of realism
On The Other Hand, Netanyahu Might Simply State The Truth – 4 May 2009
Destruction of all Iranian threat capability would impact short term on Arab aggression and long term on any deceitful aspirations for a false arab state in place of Israel. Netanyahu could simply state the obvious – “We have nothing to gain by becoming an arab wasteland.” Bibi might say, “Choose you this day what path you shall walk but I and my People walk to Israel.” Or Bibi could lie. The outcome remains the same – millions of arabs will die somewhere and a lot more besides. Is it, “Not on my watch”? Die out of sight and off my stage. Pity! 5.5 billion will die.
Reply to: Article: Waiting for Netanyahu by JPost
Who Wrote This Rubbish ! – 2 May 2009
Netanyahu MIGHT suggest obliterating Iran, so as to indicate to the Arabs that the false claims on any palestinian state other than Jordan are not and never were to be considered. He might also suggest that foreigners offering advice to Israel on how to surrender to Arab aggression should read the True History of Modern Israel. As for the suggestions of the author of this article – give land to Arabs and beg for peace? Certifiably insane. NOTE: no name given. JPost? As for war – Get On With It! Those to die will anyway.
Reply to: Abbas: “I Don’t Accept” Israel As Jewish State by Malkah Fleisher
Slip Sliding Away – 29 April 2009
Bibi cannot resist the temptation to play politics with the Arabs. Doing such will merely sell his own soul for the sake of sounding good in his own ears. The Arabs already exploit every weak-kneed ‘concession’ made by the West. The answer, tragically, is that the Arab World seeks and will find its own extermination. Globally, 5.5 Billion will die and there will be no mullah There. Westerners who envisage cheering on from the sidelines will be among the first to die.
Reply to: Peres to Meet Obama before Netanyahu’s Visit by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
What Back Stabbing Lies Will Peres Spread? – 29 April 2009
Peres position is meant to have no political significance whatsoever and yet he continues to flounce around the political stage as though he were more than a figurehead. He rightly may converse with Obama but likely he will stab Israel in the back in order to somehow emasculate Netanyahu. Netanyahu should simply inform Obama that Israel did not elect Obama as the head of Israel. Time is running out for the US experiment in naivety and gullibility. Obama’s return on investment so far has been vastly at the expense of the Free World who, for the record, have historically shed more of their own blood for that freedom than was ever shed of the US. Being the financial beneficiary of “Lend Lease” does not entitle the US to lecture Anybody. Western Blood paid for Ford motorcars and trucks. Obama should serve Tea and Madelines to Peres and leave it at that.
Reply to: ‘Israel defined by ’67 borders, no more’
Good – Now Drop Off! – 28 April 2009
It was always obvious that the Arabs have no intention of ever accepting Jews in the Holy Land. Fine! We accept their hatred. Now they should go about their own business and forget about occupying any part of Israel, which since 1948 extends from the River to the Sea. Jordanian and Egyptian attacks regardless, Israel remains as it was and as it reformed itself in the 67 War. Arab lies regardless, the Jordanian retreat was from Occupied Israel which presently is infested by Arabs holding a religious hatred for the Land of Israel. Now – no ambiguity exists. Arabs Go Home!
Reply to: Horrified Worshippers Found Joseph’s Tomb Again Defaced by Avraham Zuroff
If Israel Doesn’t Care, Israel Doesn’t Matter ! – 23 April 2009
That a nation should walk away from the Cave of its Ancients, and other sacred sites, is a complete abdication of its stewardships in the Land. That it be Israel seems to be expected. The nation that handed the Temple Mount to the Wakf likely greased the hinges on the doors to their ovens. If Israel doesn’t care, Israel doesn’t matter. And to prove it, observe arab treatment of this spineless nation. The mind boggles at what Israel will do next to be supine to its enemies.
Reply to: Article: Israelis would trust NATO in W. Bank
What? – 22 April 2009
The “EU Monitors” on the Gaza border, who ran away. The EU forces associated with turning a blind eye on Hizbollah antics etc. So what, precisely, was the question that was put to the respondents? Often the question is more meaningful than the answers – Do you like mothers? What other fetishes are you willing to admit to? What was the reason for seeking an excuse to hand Judea-Samaria to the Arabs?
Reply to: Article: Column One: The Pakistani dilemma by Caroline Glick
So The US Relies On Israel And India To Save The World! – 18 April 2009
In amongst all the “we saved the World” rubbish touted by the USA after WWII there was no mention that in fact, War had been fought by the British already for YEARS before the immorality of the yanks was pierced by Pearl Harbour. Nothing has changed. Uncle Obie and Missy Klingon don’t want to do anything that will go over badly on CNN. In the foreseeable future, there will be NO nation states left. Who will care then who killed who? In fact, the question already is banal. Who CARES who kills who! Few will survive. 5.5 Billion will die soon.
Reply to: Former Ambassador to US: No Truth in ‘Bushehr-for-Yitzhar’ by Gil Ronen
He Hints The Reason Has To Be Rational! – 17 April 2009
No rational arguments can be used in order to refute this “rumour”. There is nothing rational about gutting Israel for the sake of another arab state but all and sundry say the US implies that’s what it wants. The ‘Two State Solution’ to the arabs is War then Peace. Nobody will admit it but they are hoping to just go along with the game until the War and then let matters sort themselves out.
Reply to: Mitchell’s Message: ‘We Want a PA State’ by Hana Levi Julian
Just Keep Jordan Peaceful ! – 17 April 2009
And move all extraneous arabs from Israel to Jordan – and Egypt – and Lebanon. Since they are going to die anyway, let them die OFF Israeli soil. Mitchell is very careful to say, “Two States, living side by side in peace” without declaring that Israel must deliver a square centimeter to anyone. Because the US is comfortable with barefaced lies and deceit. But Jordan knows the arabs from Israel are malcontents and would have to be shot. So they want Israel to do it. It “Looks better if the Israelis do it!” And to make matters worse, Israel touts for a Palestinian State (as in the Header for this Article) – when there is no such thing as a palestinian people, no palestinian language and no palestinian statesman prior to the terrorist Arafat and NO palestinian capital city. Only arabs.
Reply to: Article: Ministers renounce two-state solution
‘Post Zionist’ US Jews Will Suffer Their Own Private Meltdown! – 16 April 2009
The idea that Diaspora can sit safely in the US and watch while Israel is destroyed by the Arabs is contrary to the trajectory of History. Being wealthy and comfortable is permissible so long as they act in favour of Israel, as a Nation and as a ‘People’. All that scientific and economic prowess poured into Humanity by Israel will curl up like an autumn leaf very soon if they forget where their wealth came from. Zionists don’t own the world but they have been blessed to be the savor of its salt. When the salt has lost its savor . . .
Reply to: Clinton Takes Hard Line on Ahmadinejad’s ‘Smooth Talk’ by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
“You Have No Choice” – 16 April 2009
The Iranian president reminded the U.S., “You know well that today you are suffering from weaknesses. You have no choice.” What Uncle Ahmi means is that the US has no shame! Where the Arabs respect only the sword they are met by a USA waving empty rhetoric at best. True, when push comes to crunch the US will wipe out half the planet (5.5 billion will eventually die including the US), but until then we must ‘play the game’. Winners are grinners and the Arabs are laughing their heads off. It’s the American PEOPLE they have defeated!
Reply to: Article: Blair: I won’t give up on Mideast peace
Saying NO Would Change The Dynamic In Islam! – 10 April 2009
Selling Israel to the lowest Arab bidder will accomplish nothing but the entre’ to Death Row for whoever the Arabs decide is next on their hit list. The nicest thing about the deaths of the next 5.5 billion people is that, when they are all dead, they will all be dead. So long as these people are alive we hear nothing but lies and more disgusting lies. There is no such thing as a palestinian people, no palestinian language and no palestinian capital city. Go home! Die!
Reply to: Expert’s Report: Israel Cannot Leave Golan by Hillel Fendel
I Agree – 10 April 2009
The only non-sensical thing about all this is the discussion. Just say NO. If Israel says no, the Syrians will go back to living their lives. This constant suggestion of “maybe” is Israel’s way of enforcing its own ‘Shoah’. Get on with being free and spare the World this disgusting charade of victimhood.
Reply to: Article: US to phase out Israel-coveted F-22
Not To Mention Allies Being Sold Down The Drain – 7 April 2009
Gates is just an employee – this costs him nothing. Other nations quite aside from the US have contributed to the development costs of the F-22 and they are being told to kiss their cash goodbye. This is a “Breach of Trust” and places the US instantly in a second tier. Suddenly Australia and Japan find themselves will false security – whole new alliances stem from a breach of trust. It takes one day to lose trust and generations to build it up. Byebye Obama. Australia might as well invest in Sino-French Raptors.
Reply to: Article: Column One: Ending Israel’s conditional legitimacy by Caroline Glick
US Support For Israel Is US Problem! – 4 April 2009
If the US does not support Israel that becomes a massive problem for THEM, which they must sort out. Any inability in the US to support Israel is a moral dilemma for the US and for the World. Israel should only maintain its own course and defeat the terror camps that surround it. We know that in fact, War must come but that war will not be won by Israel’s pretending nor by Israel’s losing.
Reply to: Article: Column One: Ending Israel’s conditional legitimacy by Caroline Glick
If Israel Doesn’t Care, Israel Doesn’t Matter! – 4 April 2009
Caroline is absolutely right. This is definitely a matter of ‘taking the bull by the horns’. Israel has cornered itself. We shall see now if Netanyahu has the fortitude to walk away from the EU/US position and force THEM to adopt a moral stance. Israel does not exist because of US patronage. In fact, Israel would have prospered more without US, UK, French and other EU meddling in its legitimate affairs. Legitimacy is the key and legitimacy demands action not compliance. This World has forgotten the price of its vaunted Freedoms is – blood. Not good intentions and not threats.