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    Modern Israel is systematically destroying the Cultural Heritage of the Hebrews, the Jews and the Christians in the Holy Land. They have made Secular Israel paramount as a Nation above the Cultures of their forebears.

    Rachel's Historical Tomb

    Modern Israel is an abomination before the God of Israel.
    We know and understand the ethos of many within her borders. They feel, rightly, that HaShem will come at the appointed Time and will claim the Land for His Own.

    As in the past, what the G-D of Israel finds will be Sodom and Gomorra risen to new life in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The prophets assure us from thousands of years ago that He will destroy what he finds. Today we know why.

    One thing that can be said, perhaps, is with regard to the thoroughness with which Israel has embraced evil. “Be hot or be cold but be not luke warm, or I will spew thee out of my mouth.” It can hardly be said that Modern Israel is luke warm about being evil and slothful and in neglecting its G-d.

    The matter of Rachel’s Tomb being listed as an Islamic Holy Site is typical of the slur Modern Israel has become, upon the name of its G-d and upon the Patriarchs in who’s Names they claim ancestral rights to the land.

    Rachel's Tomb

    But they do not.

    Modern Israel pretends to claim ancestral rights but then, they deny their ancestral rights.

    They claim only ‘National’ rights and a National Heritage in the Land.

    And of course, Rachel and the Patriarchs have no connection to Modern Israel, which traces its roots, publicly, to the modern acts of men, the League of Nations and the United Nations. It is the United Nations which today concedes Modern Israel has no cultural connection with the Patriarchs and grants the Arabs a strong Ishmaelitish connection to those very sites.

    Then there is the fact these sites have been abandoned by the Jews of Modern Israel so that their disgusting Arab neighbours could abominate and desecrate the signs of a True Israelite Cultural Heritage.

    What Nation, given by GOD dominion over the Temple Mount, gave dominion to the Arabs? What Nation would so defame their own GOD?

    Modern Israel.

    Since Israel accuses its enemies of Revisionism, let us look at how that works.

    We, Humanity as a whole, consider the Holy Land to be the cradle of our Culture and Civilisation (yanks can scrub the z) and deem an eternal entitlement to the descendants of the Children of Israel. We accept this as a given, despite the common truth that national borders and demographic migrations across thousands of years have blurred the actual ‘entity’ of many players.

    We accept without qualm the claims of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews as true descendants, both of Diaspora and of émigré’ Jews who spread upon Europe and Asia during the latest two thousand years. We see no reason to quibble about that.

    In this age, during the foregoing Century, much has been made of the treatment of Nazi Germany toward ‘The Jews’. A figure of six million is generally accepted as accurate enough, in dealing with the intended extermination.

    Two questions arise: What was the reason; and What was the relevance of that?

    Let’s deal with the relevance first.

    Only six million are accounted as specifically Jews in the extermination, although Gypsies and Homosexuals frequently crop up as ‘exterminees’. The Russians at the same time exterminated 20 million of their own people and a general conservative estimate of the death toll worldwide was at least 100 million. So in relative terms the numbers of Jews who were killed was and evil number but relatively not as extreme as it is often conveyed.

    In the throes of the Second World War, and in the period leading up to it, Jews also were killed and in fact, Jews were specifically targeted. So were others.

    So the loss of entire generations of Young Men in the West, during WWI and WWII counts as a relatively significant price for any People to pay for their National and Individual Freedoms.

    Now let’s look at the WHY of Jews in the Shoah.

    Of course, there is no need to ask why. As a Jew I can afford to crack that Joke and as a Christian I can see the relevance of the Question.

    A great deal of the impetus of History is represented in the fact it is written. No writing means no history.

    On the one hand, we make the point that History, as such, depends on the views of the victors in the assorted Wars mandated by Mankind in its Millennia.

    On the other hand, due to the increasing impact of Media, during the last two hundred years the impact of Propaganda has become even more paramount than War.

    So the WHY is the War, not the Deaths.

    Currently we see individual fallen soldier’s bodies airlifted from Afghanistan back to Australia, or other countries of origin, for State Funerals.

    Not so long ago the situation was quite different. If all the Australian fallen, from VietNam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan were totaled up they would not match the number of men who never even made it to the Beach at Gallipoli.

    So War has become a contest between Reality TV and State Tragi-Comedy, where the media trivialise any morality which might justify the conflict in the first place and dramatise the trivia of occasional casualties, victims of the non-committal attitude of strolling placidly among IEDs placed by ‘innocent civilians’.

    The Media love this because War has become a Media Game.

    Those who don’t wish to watch the boredom of it on TV can instead buy Games and play the Real Thing!

    We will restate here what has been a long-held view. At the outbreak of Hostilities, all War Correspondents should be shot. At the conclusion of Hostilities, the Victors should write History. At least that would be honest from the start.

    Anybody who thinks there is no Mie Lai every day in War is tampering with himself.

    So it boils down to the conflict between opposing media tycoons, as to what the morality of their breakfast cereals might be – oh and by the way, ‘Their favourite Politician-Soldier-Talk show Host’ has just been indicted for ‘fraud-fornication-adultery or whatever’.

    At the Time of the Shoah, some adept individuals were in charge of the Propaganda Machine and, once again, the stalking horse was the Jews. In with the grab-bag was the assortment of unwashed including poofters and gypsies. All things considered it was a generally acceptable price for THEM to pay so WE can have prosperity.

    It’s possible to see why a Complacent Germany went with the flow.

    It’s interesting though to ponder upon the salient bits of how come Jews in Europe and Jews in the West went with the flow!

    Ah!! Well. For one thing, The USA was making a magnificent profit by selling arms and materiel to both sides. And we all know, Jews are quite well represented among wealthy North Americans. So yes. We can see how it would be difficult to argue with the father of John F Kennedy, the American Ambassador, who advocated siding with Hitler who was always going to be a better business partner than the British!

    And of course, in Europe, there were the Jews.

    Their attitude seems to have been, initially, “Which ghetto do you want us in?” and then, “Which part of the ghetto?”

    Our accounts of this traumatic age are handed down to us, not by vaunted Historians who still have the assorted axes to grind but by the Media of the Day!

    In those days, neither the Jews nor the Media gave a stuff about what was happening and precisely where it was all heading.

    Today we see the Jews, in fact, the Jewish Prime Minister of Modern Israel, stating that in his opinion it is “unfortunate” that UNESCO has determined that Rachel’s Tomb, the Tomb of the Patriarchs and any other part of Modern Israel desired by the Arab World is now an inalienable part of the Islamic Heritage.

    Israel should bomb the UN.

    Let the World see if they think that is ‘unfortunate’.

    But no. We will wait upon HaShem, who according to the Hebrew Prophets will do His own bit of abominating. There is no need for Israel to speak out against the way it is treated. They know Shoah will come and they rely on the World to say it was the Jews who were victims.

    We are the victims who have to watch and listen to this rubbish.

    Modern Israel is Road Kill.

    It’s what will happen to the rest of the Planet that remains interesting.

    Capitalism has become a Total Failure, to steal the words of Sister Angelar Merkel.

    Islamism will become a Tomb.

    Every single individual born upon the Earth is an eternal being, of Intelligence and Spirit.

    No amount of War can destroy Intelligence. Spirit also is Eternal.

    AFTER these piddling little wars, when Mankind is reduced from seven billion to about six hundred and fifty million, the survivors will get back to doing the important things.

    The Prophets assure us, they will have a thousand years to get it done.

    Then a final war will get it finished.

    A loved Father used to say, “When it’s brown, it’s done. When it’s black, it’s finished!” He knew. He fought in WWI and WWII.

    The angels are, in the World.



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